Last day on Koh Chang, Thailand ~ Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tuesday, January 7 and I don't want this day to waste away so I go to the beach first thing and hang out there and enjoy my last dip in the Gulf of Thailand.
I walk into town for my 3:00 spa appointment. It ended up being quite comical due to the language barrier. I was to get a 30-minute steam, a 1 hour aloe vera gel body wrap, then a 1 hour aromatherapy massage, then a 1 hour facial. Well due to the communication barrier it didn't go as planned. At the end of the gel wrap I gather I was supposed to get into the shower but there was a lovely jacuzzi tub full of water and rose petals so that's where I went and it was ice cold. I'm trying to sink gingerly into it when the woman looks at me and points to the shower and I ask her if she wants me to go into the shower but she starts to add more water to the tub. Whatever, so I soak in the tub but the water is barely lukewarm and I'm not enjoying it. Then it's time for the massage. It's the same as the aloe vera wrap - not a great massage by any stretch - moreso like a vigorous body rub. Oh well, it is what it is. No clue if she's just not that good or if this is the way it's done so I just go with the flow. Then the facial.... well man, she's rubbing my face as vigorously as she was rubbing the rest of my body. What? That's unlike any facial I've ever had. Oh well... She's got my eyes covered with a cold compress but I hear a man's voice in the room. What? First of all, there has been zero privacy at all since we started this 3.5 hour session. I mean Thais don't care if they see all your body parts or not... the woman never left the room just because I had to get naked, or get in the tub, or the steam room... it just doesn't faze them and I didn't let it faze me either... just an interesting difference between North American and Thailand massage treatments. But why is there a guy's voice in the room? Well I think he came in to turn on the steam room. The steam room is an awesome contraption. It's the same room as the shower. The time comes after the facial where she wants me to go in the steam room as she said "for a few minutes" and I repeat "for a few minutes?" and she nods her head in the affirmative. So I go in just for a few minutes because once again I see a lovely bubble bath awaiting me. So I steam then go in the tub and she comes into the room and points to the steam room. By this point I have no clue where I should be or where I should've been so I get out of the tub and go back into the steam room...and I'm thinking "I'm supposed to be getting a 30 minute steam" but by now surely 30 minutes is coming up so I figure I'd best get back into the cold tub to finish off the hydrotherapy treatment but I look and there isn't a drop of water in the tub. Oh well, whatever. By this point I'm ready to call it a spa day and get dressed which is what I do by the time she comes back into the room. All of that for $101 Cdn dollars. Thinking I might have to treat myself again on my last day in Bangkok to get the city grime out of my pores because this was just an overall odd experience.
On Ian's recommendation I have my last dinner on the island at Ka-Ti Culinary. I order a prawn and noodle salad with my very favourite Thai dish Tom Kha Gai (I thought it was called Tom Sum Gai but I was corrected tonight). The difference is that Kha is chicken. Sum is prawns (I think?).  The salad was okay. Too spicy for my liking.... too much lemon grass and something green that looked like green onions (but weren't). The prawns, however, were huge and delicious. The soup though... OMG... if I could pack some to go I would've. It was the tastiest Tom Kha Gai I've had thus far in Thailand. I also enjoyed a "lemon" shake (no ice), they call it "lemon" here but I swear it's lime. Looks like lime and tastes like lime. Homemade coconut ice cream for dessert. It was delicious. Wish I had dined at this place more than once. Another live and learn moment.

           My favourite dish in all of Thailand.
                              Thom Kha Gai

My shuttle comes at 9:45 AM to take me across the island to the ferry and then across the island of Trat. I have an early afternoon flight back to Bangkok where I'll be hanging out until very late Saturday night.
As I said before, after booking the details of this trip, I feared I would be bored with 10 days on this island. To the contrary it is actually quite diverse and now on day #10 I realize I could've done so much more than what I did. I loved Klong Prao beach and the warmth of the ocean water. This island was a good experience. I'm glad I came but wish I could have another day to hang out at White Sands. Oh well, you know the saying, hindsight is 20/20.

Over and out from Koh Chang. Next stop: Bangkok.

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